After several hours of work, my .tmx loader for my game is working! This will speed things up considerably!
I'm posting the source in case anyone wants it, but be warned that it makes some assumptions:
- that tilewidth and tileheight are the same across the map, and all the tilesheets
- that we've saved file under the csv method
- this snippet only loads the variables from the file, and doesn't do anything with them - loading the info into tiles is another several hundred lines of code I'm not including here
Here it is: it's ugly, but its working.
function getTileArg(stringVal, argVal)
--gets argument value from the string in the form argument="value"
mySearchBegin, mySearchEnd = string.find(stringVal, ' ' .. argVal .. '="')
if mySearchBegin then
--find closing quote (")
openQuote = mySearchEnd
closeQuote, closeQuoteEnd = string.find(stringVal, '"', openQuote + 1)
return string.sub(stringVal, openQuote + 1, closeQuote - 1)
return -1
function explodeNumeric(div,str)
if (div=='') then return false end
local pos,arr = 0,{}
-- for each divider found
for st,sp in function() return string.find(str,div,pos,true) end do
table.insert(arr,tonumber(string.sub(str,pos,st-1))) -- Attach chars left of current divider
pos = sp + 1 -- Jump past current divider
table.insert(arr,string.sub(str,pos)) -- Attach chars right of last divider
return arr
function setupLevel(levelfile)
lines = {}
for line in love.filesystem.lines(levelfile .. ".tmx") do
table.insert(lines, line)
--find <map> line, get arguments
mapWidth = -1
mapHeight = -1
tileSize = -1
collideMapFirstLine = -1
collideMapWidth = -1
collideMapHeight = -1
spritesMapFirstLine = -1
spritesMapWidth = -1
spritesMapHeight = -1
collideFirstTile = -1
collideFile = -1
spritesFirstTile = -1
spriteFile = -1
for i,v in ipairs(lines) do
--main map line
if string.find(v, "<map ") then
--get mapWidth, mapHeight, tileSize
mapWidth = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "width"))
mapHeight = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "height"))
tileWidth = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "tilewidth"))
tileHeight = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "tileheight"))
if tileWidth == tileHeight then tileSize = tileWidth end
if string.find(v, "<tileset ") then
--get which map this is
whichMap = getTileArg(v, "name")
if whichMap == "collide" then
collideFirstTile = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "firstgid"))
collideTileWidth = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "tilewidth"))
collideTileHeight = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "tileheight"))
collideFile = getTileArg(lines[i + 1], "source")
elseif whichMap == "sprites" then
spritesFirstTile = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "firstgid"))
spritesTileWidth = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "tilewidth"))
spritesTileHeight = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "tileheight"))
spriteFile = getTileArg(lines[i + 1], "source")
if string.find(v, "<layer ") then
--get which layer this is
whichLayer = getTileArg(v, "name")
if whichLayer == "Collision" then
collideMapWidth = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "width"))
collideMapHeight = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "height"))
collideMapFirstLine = i + 2
elseif whichLayer == "Sprites" then
spritesMapWidth = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "width"))
spritesMapHeight = tonumber(getTileArg(v, "height"))
spritesMapFirstLine = i + 2
if mapWidth == -1 or mapHeight == -1 or tileSize == -1 then
error("Error Loading .tmx File (1)")
if collideFirstTile == -1 or collideFile == -1 or collideTileHeight ~= collideTileWidth or collideTileHeight ~= tileSize then
error("Error Loading .tmx File (1)")
if spritesFirstTile == -1 or spriteFile == -1 or spritesTileHeight ~= spritesTileWidth or spritesTileHeight ~= tileSize then
error("Error Loading .tmx File (1)")
if collideMapWidth == -1 or spritesMapWidth == -1 or collideMapWidth ~= spritesMapWidth or collideMapHeight == -1 or spritesMapHeight == -1 or collideMapHeight ~= spritesMapHeight or collideMapFirstLine == -1 or spritesMapFirstLine == -1 or collideMapWidth ~= mapWidth or collideMapHeight ~= mapHeight
error("Error Loading .tmx File (1)")
Next up is some glitch fixes - my character won't jump while running downhill - I need to tweak the touchingGround check somehow. Yay for bug fixes!
Thanks to the tilemap loader, I can now create nice looking levels
... er... nicer looking levels than before, at any rate. |